The Curlew is the largest European wading bird and they live up to 11-32 years.
In the winter, Curlews feed in groups on tidal mudflats, saltmarshes and nearby farmland. In the spring and summer, they migrate to their breeding grounds in upland areas of rough pasture, heather moorland and wetland.
Its distinctive and haunting display call ('cur-lee') can be heard from February through to July on its breeding grounds

Conservation status​
The Curlew is on the UK endangered species red list (highest conservation priority), with big declines in breeding populations and ranges.
The UK Curlew population is 20-30% of the global total. They are the most pressing bird conservation priority in the UK.
Still to be commissioned.....
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'Curlew Lament'
Bronze, painted aluminium and Corten steel
This piece mourns the loss of their distinctive and haunting call from our landscape and is based on the soundwave of this call.
The video below describes the thinking behind the piece.