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Endangered Species

My aim is to carry out a project looking at endangered species in the UK, working with storytellers, poets and writers. I will produce a sculpture for each species which will be accompanied by and audio recording of the story/poem.


For each sculpture I produce I will look for a ‘fragment’ which I will use to connect the sculpture and story. As well as providing a link between the story and the sculpture, I see the fragments all coming together into a combined sculpture.




The pilot for this project came about as a result of funding provided by Craven District Council in partnership with Settle Stories via the FEAST Artist Networking Programme. I worked with the storyteller Sarah Deco to produce a piece based on the Nightingale which is on the red list of endangered species in the UK, meaning that they are of the ‘highest conservation concern’.



It has been fantastic to work with such a talented storyteller and I hope I can grow this project to work with many more storytellers and poets to tell the stories of other endangered species.

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